23rd October 2019 marked the end of a fine 43 years of working service for the BR class 313's and are seen on their final days work on their Farewell tour up and down the ECML at Hadley wood, Bowes Park, Highbury and Islington, Drayton Park and London Kings Cross for the final time and a great send off to an awesome unit!
Gerry's Farewell Class 313 tour along the ECML 23/10/19
class 313Farewell class 313 tourGerry's Farewell Class 313 tourclass 313 tourclass 313 hornclass 313 mega tonesmega toneslegend driverFarewell tourLast class 313final class 313 to leave kings crossfinal 313313064313134legend great northern drivergreat northernecmlECMLeast coast mainline linemoorgate tunnelsdrayton park stationLondon Kings crossNetwork southeast class 313 ]network southeast