YSRCP Rajya Sabha member Vijayasai Reddy attended the ED hearing. He came to the ED office in Hyderabad's Basheer Bagh in the Kakinada Sea Port and SEZ case. He is accused of illegally transferring shares in connection with the Kakinada Sea Port and SEZ. The AP CID had previously registered a case based on the complaint of Karnati Venkateswara Rao. The ED has registered another case based on the CID case. He came to the ED office as per the notices given by the ED to appear for the hearing of the case. Those who say that the day of reckoning is coming, give a like.
#VijayasaiReddy #ChandrababuNaidu #PawanKalyan #NaraLokesh #JaganMohanReddy #YsSharmila #TDP #JanaSena #YSRCP #APNews #APUpdates #PoliticalNews #LatestNews
Vijayasai Reddy attended ED Hearing #APPolitics
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