The patch budding grafting technique is the most effective to graft a bud directly into the main trunk on older wood. In fruit types were the bark grafts don’t give good results it should be your first option to change varieties when grafting fruit trees.
Table of contents:
0:00 – Intro
1. Removing the scion patch - 0:47
2. Removing the bark in the rootstock - 2:25
3. Securing the Patch - 4:07
4. Useful tips and more examples – 5:18
5. Results – 11:05
Be sure to check my other technique specific grafting videos:
Grafting Fruit Trees | The 2 Best Techniques for Grafting Figs and other fruit trees - [ Ссылка ]
Best Grafting Techniques | WHICH Grafting Technique should I CHOOSE, when grafting fruit trees? - [ Ссылка ]
Cleft Graft and Modified Cleft Graft – When and how to use each of these grafting techniques - [ Ссылка ]
Lateral Bark Grafting | Grafting thin scions to larger branches - [ Ссылка ] The 2 Best Techniques for Grafting Figs and other fruit trees - [ Ссылка ]
The best grafting techniques for Apples, Pears and other fruit trees - [ Ссылка ] Summer Budding of Plums, Peaches, Apricots, Kiwis and other fruit trees - [ Ссылка ]
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Check the channel for more videos on Grafting, Pruning, Rooting and Growing Fruit Trees, like these: Rooting Fig Cuttings | A foolproof rooting method - [ Ссылка ]
Grafting Fruit Trees | Changing varieties in old Pear Trees | Bark Grafting - [ Ссылка ] Pruning Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard | A step by step video guide - [ Ссылка ]
“Basic Pruning Techniques” - [ Ссылка ] - Pruning Fruit Trees | Pruning Techniques | Essential Pruning Course
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Grafting Fruit Trees | PATCH BUDDING Grafting Technique
GraftingFruitTreesTechniquesPatch BuddingChip-BuddingBuddingFigFigsApplesPearsPlumsPeachesGrafting Fig TreesGrafting Fruit TreesGrafting TechniquesBest Grafts for Fruit TreesGraftHow to graft fruit treesWhen to graft fruit treesGreffer arbres fruitiersChanging varieties in fruit treesGrafting Old Fruit TreesGrafting PlantsEnxertiaGraft TechniqueLearn GraftingWhen to GraftGreffe en placage d’écussonInjerto de chapaChange varieties