Dewa Ruci and maze The story of Dewa Ruci regarding the journey of Arya Wrekudara / Bima / Sena, one of the Pandawa members, reached the perfection of life. Following the advice of the teacher (Guru Durna), Bimapun began a maze of struggle to the jungle, climbed the mountains, descended the darkness of the cave, fought the giants to the bottom of the ocean and met with Dewa Ruci to get Tirtaamerta or Tirta Prawitasari.
The confusion of information that causes various intricacies, misunderstandings, instills the root of bitterness that was cleverly deviously designed by the conspiracy of the authorities, supported by clever scholars (Guru Durna) and bureaucrats (Patih Sengkuni). As befits the story of the hero will win, the play wins later, thanks to Dewa Ruci the Bima reached teak captain. The difficulty of digesting the complex paths from various sources and the philosophical depth of manunggaling kawula lan Gusti, trying to draw the simple meaning of Dewa Ruci as divine guidance through the clarity of conscience words so as to be able to unravel the confusion of the cause of tempest of the soul. A simple reflection when trapped in a traffic jam at Dewa Ruci's intersection.
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