The Kid That Stole $230 Million Dollars
It was August nineteenth, twenty twenty four. A group of young adults pulled off one of the wildest crypto scams ever - bold, reckless, and jaw-dropping. Meet the crew: twenty year old Malone Lam, eighteen year old Virat Chetal, twenty one year old Jeaniel Serrano, plus Danish Kan and Chen. Their target? A single Genesis creditor who apparently had no clue they were about to lose a jaw dropping two hundred thirty million dollars in Bitcoin. Yeah, you heard that right - hundreds of millions gone in the blink of an eye.
The Kid That Stole $230 Million Dollars
the kid who stole 230 million dollarthe kid who stole 230 millionbillion dollar scam$230 million bitcoin theftthe kid who stole $230000000caser 230 million230 million bitcoin heistmalonelam how malone lam scammed 230 million dollars in crypto?the kid who stole 230m$250 million crypto scam heist$250 million crypto scam$40 million250 million crypto scam$243m heiststolen bitcointhe kid who stolestolen cryptotiktok compilationcompilation