Hori-Zone 80lb RedBack Pistol Crossbow VS Tomcat/Cobra Pistol Crossbow.
Battle of the pistol crossbows. The Cobra or Tomcat pistol crossbow is advertised as 80lb draw weight, however, it is closer to 50lb shooting at about 180FPS, where the Hori-Zone RedBack is a true 80lb pistol crossbow that shoots around 230FPS.
In this test, I shoot the same aluminium/aluminum bolts into the same targets to judge penetration power between the two pistol crossbows.
Targets include a catalogue, thick pine wood, metal sheeting, and a dustbin lid.
I'm a big fan of the Hori-Zone, other than being harder to cock, it's basically a better version of the famous Cobra/Tomcat pistol bows.
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Hori-Zone RedBack Pistol Crossbow VS Cobra Pistol Crossbow
weapons and stuff 93Weaponsandstuff93SportsSports GoodsSports Equipmentshooting sportfield sportsSurvival skills - Media genreweaponsHori-Zone RedBack Pistol Crossbow VS Cobra Pistol Crossbowpistolcrossbowpistol crossbowpistol bowmini crossbowcobra crossbowtomcat crossbowhorizone crossbowredback crossbowredbackcobratomcathorizone redbackarcherycrossbow bolt80lb crossbowrecurve crossbowrecurve pistolweaponpistol crossbow review