My upload schedule is all messed up now due to what has happened the last few days. I usually like to upload late at night but yesterday's upload was during the day. So today I had to wait 24 hours until uploading a new video. Now that my graphics card is finally upgraded, I can showcase this Amazon Laura mod again. This is with her original hairstyle with wet body variant. She takes on Karin who has hardly been seen on this channel lately. Her mod is the Accident with panties variant which has been seen on this channel before. Please remember that I dont make mods as I find them online and try to have cool battles with them. I think I got this fight done in the first try or so. Had to make sure I did the V-Shift which happened a few times and both ladies got to hit their CA at least once. Some decent action here I would have say. I dont think I can showcase the Amazon Cammy mod though. Her cloth physics exposes her chest area. Thats all there is to say about this one. Hope you guys enjoy the fight and have a great day!
Amazon Laura from brutalace:
Karin Accident from danteSDT: [ Ссылка ]
Street Fighter V: CE Laura vs Karin PC Mod #2
LauraLaura PC modLaura SFVLaura Street Fighter VSFV LauraStreet Fighter V LauraSFV Laura modsAmazon Laura modLaura Amazon modbrutalace SFV modsbrutalace modsAmazon LauraKarinKarin PC modKarin SFVKarin Street Fighter VSFV KarinStreet Fighter V KarinSFV Karin modsKarin Accident modKarin AccidentdanteSDT SFV modsdanteSDT modsStreet Fighter V: Champion EditionSFVSFV PC modsStreet Fighter VStreet Fighter V PC modsSFV: CE