Sattal, which translates to seven lakes, is a cluster of seven interconnected lakes in Nainital, Uttarakhand. Located at the foothills of the Himalayas, the region is nestled within fragrant forests of oak and pine.
This video contains Himalayan bulbul, Great barbet, Blue-wingled minla, Grey-hooded warbler, Grey treepie, Rusty-cheeked scimitar babbler, Great Tit, Himalayan black-lored tit, Brown-fronted woodpecker, Oriental turtle dove, Chestnut-bellied rock thrush, Rufous sibia, Grey-headed woodpecker, kalij pheasant, red-billed blue magpie and white-throated laughingthrush.
Birds of Sattal
birdbirdingbirderwildlifedocumentaryindianbirdstelanganahyderabadindiabirdlifebirdphotographynaturewildlifephotographynaturephotographybirdwatchingphotographycanonbirdlovernatureloverswildlifeplanetwildlifephotoHimalayan bulbulGreat barbetBlue-wingled minlaGrey-hooded warblerGrey treepieRusty-cheeked scimitar babblerGreat TitHimalayan black-lored titBrown-fronted woodpeckerOriental turtle doveChestnut-bellied rock thrushRufous sibia