These videos are intended for healthcare professionals. The physical therapists (PT) and occupational therapists (OT) who developed the BHC handouts and video series are ME/CFS patients and caregivers.
Rest and recovery after exertion is a familiar therapy concept for rehab professionals. For patients with post-exertional malaise (PEM)/post-exertional symptom exacerbation (PESE) however, rest and recovery describes stopping the crash cycle and managing the exacerbation of symptoms to avoid deepening the crashed period which could result in a long term worsening of disease.
This video series was developed as a conversation between therapists to highlight the process of identifying PEM/PESE and provide insight into PEM/PESE-specific therapeutic approaches.
These short video segments will include topics intended to inform therapists who are not familiar with pacing, resting, and symptom management guidelines.
We hope this series will introduce principles of ME/CFS and Long COVID care that encourage healthcare professionals to continue advancing their knowledge about PEM/PESE.
Note to community members: We advise viewers to always speak with their medical care team prior to making any adjustments or changes to their current regimen.
This video was made possible by the OMF-funded Medical Education Resource Center (MERC) at BHC, our generous donors, and viewers like you.
PEM The Basics
post-exertional malaisePEMPESEpost-exertional symptom exacerbationME/CFSmyalgic encephalomyelitits/chronic fatigue syndromefibromyalgiaFMLong COVIDLClong COVIDPASCpost-acute sequalae of COVID-19physical therapyPToccupational therapyOTPacingPush-CrashCrash managementpost-viral syndromePVSanaerobic thresholdBateman Horne CenterBHCorthostatic intolerancePOTSOIdysautonomiaExertional TriggersCognitive impairmentPEM Triggers