Gaming Insaan, the latest gaming show on Amazon MX Player, starring Triggered Insaan, Aman Singh Aswal, Arsalan Malik and Vanshaj Singh mein dekhiye a roast show where contestants roast each other. But kya yeh roast show laayega kuch naya drama? To find out, watch all episodes of Gaming Insaan, streaming for FREE on Amazon MX Player!
About The Show
Gaming Insaan follows YouTuber Nischay Malhan, aka Triggered Insaan, as he leaves his comfort zone to chase an impossible dream: becoming a pro gamer in just three months. Nischay must prove he's more than an entertainer when battling fierce rivals, self-doubt, and overwhelming pressure. As tensions rise, will he conquer the esports world or crack under the weight of expectations?
About Amazon MX Player - Enjoy Unlimited entertainment with Amazon MX Player. Access a wide range of libraries of your favorite shows, movies, and web series. No subscription is required, just start watching it for FREE!
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