The coolness of Puncak Bogor has been famous in various places. If we follow the road to the peak of Bogor, we will enjoy the beauty of the twists and turns of the peak road. Coupled with the beauty of the green panorama of the tea garden. Before reaching the top, we will pass Cisarua Bogor market, in front of this market is what causes severe traffic jams. To avoid congestion on the Cisarua route, there is an alternative route, namely the Cariu Cianjur route. Happy we get the beauty of Bogor peak,. At a certain time, fog will fall at the top of Bogor, which will add to the cold temperature at the peak of Bogor Pass. On this occasion, we will try to go through the Cariu Jonggol route, from Cianjur we will not pass through Cipanas Puncak Bogor, because we will switch an alternative route that avoids the descent from Cipanas Puncak Bogor. We switch from the Cipanas Cianjur route, turn right towards Cariu... enjoy the trip yaa.. oh trip mania..
Kesejukan Puncak bogor telah terkenal di berbagai penjuru tempat. Jika kita meniti jalan puncak Bogor, akan kita nikmati keindahan lika likunya jalanan puncak. Ditambah dengan keasrian panorama hijaunya kebun teh. Sebelum sampai atas, kita akan melewati Pasar cisarua bogor, di depan pasar inilah yang menyebabkan parahnya kemacetan. Untuk menghindari kemacetan jalur cisarua, ada jalur alternatif yaitu jalur cariu cianjur. Berbahagialah kita mendapatkan keindahan Bogor puncak,. Disaat tertentu akan turun Kabut di puncak Bogor, yang mana ini akan menambah dinginya suhu di Puncak pass bogor. Dalam kesempatan ini akan kita coba melaju melewati jalur cariu jonggol, dari cianjur tidak akan melewati cipanas puncak bogor, sebab akan kita alihkan jalur alternatif yang menghindari turunan cipanas puncak bogor,.kita beralih dari jalur Cipanas cianjur, bberbelok kanan menuju arah cariu...selamat menikmati perjalanan yaa..wahai ngetrip mania..
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