Corns and calluses are two different entities seen in the feet. Corns are localised thickened area of the skin. Usually either circular or conical in shape and usually painful. Callus is more diffuse flattened thickened area of the skin which are relatively painless. Corns are seen on the ball of the great toe as well as the ball of the fifth toe. So both corn and callus are seen in the pressure bearing areas. Even the corns can be seen between the toes. They are called soft corns. Those seen on the base of the great toe are called hard cones. The basic mechanism for both is the pressure and the friction caused. It could be due to the abnormality in the structure or anatomy of the feet. Second thing is abnormal gait or movement. Third is wearing ill fitting or improper shoes or sandals. These are the three major causes for corns and callus. Coming to the treatment part, you should soak your feet in warm water. Then using keratinolytic agent like salicylic acid. The third thing is the powering done by a dermatologist, i.e. removing the dead layer of the skin. First and foremost thing is you should wear a proper well fitted shoes. The pressure bearing areas should be well taken care of.
Causes & management of Corns & Calluses - Dr. Rashmi Ravindra
Soft CornHard CornKeratinolytic AgentSalicylic AcidDermatologistcorns and callusescallusescauses of cornscorns and calluses causesremoving callusescauses of corns on feetcorns and calluses causecorns calluseswhat are corns and causes of corns on feetfoot calluscallus treatmentcorns and calluses infocorns and calluses reasoncorns and calluses reasonscorns and calluses diagnosecorns and calluses symptomscorns and calluses diagnosis