In the final installment of this thought-provoking three-part series, Ian Walsh from Falkirk Genetics explores the practical and economic impacts of adopting optimal livestock breeding systems. With a focus on profitability, sustainability, and genetic advancement, Ian provides actionable insights for modern farmers.
Key highlights include:
The importance of early slaughter to reduce costs and environmental impact.
Real-world outcomes: achieving heavier carcass weights earlier and improving profit margins.
The role of genetic repeatability and prepotency in creating robust herds and flocks.
How optimal animals with balanced bone-fat-meat ratios contribute to sustainability and reduced emissions.
A call for better science funding and a return to farmer-focused agricultural research.
Ian also discusses Falkirk Genetics’ personalized, farmer-driven approach to achieving financial security and sustainable growth. Packed with data, examples, and live demonstrations, this session is a must-watch for those seeking to maximize their farm’s potential while reducing costs.
#CattleBreeding #SheepFarming #LivestockManagement #FarmEfficiency #BeefProduction #GeneticImprovement #OptimalBreeding #FarmingInnovation #AnimalHealth #PastureManagement #AgricultureNZ #FarmProfitability #IanWalshTalk #FalkirkGenetics #SustainableFarming
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