MERCH!!! [ Ссылка ]
The Ordovician Period is one of the strangest and most influential periods in Earth's history, that we know of. Living in the shadows of the infamous Cambrian, the Ordovician period is often forgotten in terms of diversity, weirdness, and ultimate mass extinction. Today, I'll be giving you a rundown of this time, the animals that called it home, and the catastrophic way it ended.
A massive thanks to Gian for the phenomenal editing!
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The Ordovician Period (That We Know Of)
earth sciencecambrian explosionnatural historyscience documentarypaleozoic erasea scorpionice agescience documentary 2023science documentary national geographicscience documentary mysteryordovicianhistory of lifeorthocerasendocerascamerocerassacabambaspissacabambaspis memesacabambaspis originaltrilobitesMieridduryneurypteridspanderodusconodontsAegirocassismegalograptusPentecopterusordovician-silurian extinction