This is one of the best most authentic replicas I’ve shot, real heavy weight with proper wooden stock and all metal action that is superb to shoot.
It has 3 magazines with 2 being for Green gas at different power levels and the other for smaller than normal G&G 8 gram Co2 capsules at full power, I use heavy weight 0.5 gram sniper ammo with Co2 and it hits very hard and is very accurate and in warm conditions get around 30 shots per 8 gram capsule.
I do struggle sometimes to load the Co2 and magazine in this gun as it’s a bit fiddly with arthritis and CTS which comes and goes (today is not a good day).
I wish my BB firing Lee Enfield had the bolt action travel and feel of this rifle as G&G have got it perfect.
The optional extra sniper scope is quick release and is ok but was not cheap and it’s difficult to get a good sight picture due to the massive eye relief distance, the iron sights work really well and are fully adjustable.
This was bought just as a display piece 2nd hand for half its cost new but it shoots so well I do use it many times a year and is always a favourite with guests.
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