Moto G8 Power Lite price in India is Rs. 8,999 and it is one of the few smartphones in this price range to ship with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. Moto G8 Power Lite next sale date is not known right now. Apart from this Moto G8 Power Lite has a 5,000mAh battery, a triple rear camera setup, and stock Android 9 Pie. Motorola has promised an update to Android 10. This smartphone has the Mediatek Helio P35 SoC, which is not very powerful for gaming, but can handle day-to-day tasks fairly well. Moto G8 Power Lite has a micro-USB port, and ships with a 3.5mm headphone jack.
0:00 Introduction
0:36 Moto G8 Power Lite build quality
1:06 Moto G8 Power Lite display
1:40 Moto G8 Power Lite software
2:04 Moto G8 Power Lite performance
2:52 Moto G8 Power Lite battery life
3:07 Moto G8 Power Lite camera review
4:18 Moto G8 Power Lite pros and cons
4:45 Verdict
Moto G8 Power Lite specs: [ Ссылка ]
Moto G8 Power Lite review: [ Ссылка ]
Anchor: Roydon Cerejo ([ Ссылка ])
Video Editor: Yousuf Jawed ([ Ссылка ])
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