John McDonald reckons a lot of arts criticism is “no more than a publicity release that has been in the microwave for a few seconds then printed in the newspaper”, while Naomi Cass thinks the whole practice might be in a state of critical failure. Phip Murray believes writers aren’t given enough room to share their work more widely and Patrick McCaughey sees the decline of print media and thinks some of the role of the critic is to acknowledge art.
The visual arts session looks at the state of visual art from the decline of newspapers, the rise of online and the place of the artist in the current space.
The discussion continues online. In a post on Vociferous Whimsy, blogger Nikita Vanderbyl provides a rundown of the panel.
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Critical Failure: Visual Arts
IdeasMelbourneAustraliaConversationThe Wheeler CentreVictoriaWritingCritical FailureCriticism (Media Genre)Visual Arts (Field Of Study)John McDonaldArts CriticismThe Arts (Broadcast Genre)Press ReleaseNaomi CassNewspaper (Website Category)Phip MurrayPatrick McCaugheyCriticArts JournalismOnline Journalism (Media Genre)Vociferous WhimsyNikita VanderbylBookReviewBooksReadingLibrary