Two days before Brahmastra, the year's biggest release, hits the screens, its stars Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have faced protests during their promotional tour in Madhya Pradesh. The couple were forced to cancel their visit to an iconic temple as protesters held up black flags and raised slogans to block them. The star couple, in Ujjain to promote "Brahmastra Part-1: Shiva" on Tuesday, turned back without visiting the famous Mahakaleshwar Temple "to seek the blessings of Lord Shiva". There were security worries for the couple, who are expecting a baby. The film's director, Ayan Mukherji, later visited the temple with the Brahmastra crew. The protests revolve around an 11-year-old comment by Ranbir Kapoor, 39. "I am a mutton, paya, meat guy. I'm a big beef guy," he had said during an interview conducted over a meal.
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