Global warming, natural resources being steadily exhausted, we must prepare for it.
Without any action, today's children will inherit a severely damaged planet.
Food, as a powerful lever to reduce risk.
Through sustainable food production.
Through a change towards healthy eating.
By reducing food losses and waste by one half.
Nothing will ever change if we don't modify our eating habits ...
In 2021, sign up for the Mooc Love Food Reduce Waste to become a player in the fight against food waste! [ Ссылка ]
Committed to reducing food waste, Afpa launch this new Mooc with partners of the European Life Foster project [ Ссылка ]
Copyright Afpa 2021
The fight against food waste
VocationalTrainingVETExcellenceUpSkillsEUsustainabilityclimatechangereducewastelovefoodEUCommissioncirculareconomygreenskillsfoodwastezerowasteLifeprojectRestaurantIndustrywastefoodsdgsreusereducerecyclereusereduceLifeFosterAfpatrainingcateringrestaurantkitchencookenvironmentcircular economyLifeFosterAnti-GaspiZero WasteLoveFoodReduceWasteSERDEWWRSERD2021EWWR2021