今天來到 Puffing Billy 的博物館的意義除了來參訪多年未對外開放的博物館外 (2020年二月剛剛重新開始對外開放後就被武漢肺炎害到封館到今年初才有恢復正常運作) 就是想來參觀1972年被林鐵捐贈送出國的阿里山森林鐵路14號Shay蒸氣火車。這輛車都一直在Puffing Billy的博物館保存, 不過博物館在拖很久了的整建當中有被挪移到Emerald車庫儲藏而沒有對外開放而無法參觀。
進到博物館一看到時真的非常感動及震撼, 感覺不亞於2019渡英時在約克大英鐵道博物館看到零系新幹線的震撼。 很幸運的狀況整體而言不算差, 並且還是保持原狀的木造駕駛座。 唯一美中不足的地方就是側邊的車號牌並未裝上, 還有本車沒有安裝解說牌向參觀者解說此車由來。 若真的要恢復運轉的難度頗高。 希望以後可以從現況的靜態展示整理成可運轉狀態, 並且早日裝上中英文版的解說牌。
this was my first visit to the Puffing Billy museum which finally reopened after the long rebuild. I especially wanted to visit as a locomotive particularly interested me: the ex- Alishan railway of Taiwan No. 14 18 ton Shay locomotive which was built in 1912 and served in Taiwan until 1972 when it was the first unit to be donated and exported to Australia to be under custodianship of Puffing Billy railway. it has remained in Australia since. hopefully this significant locomotive will one day be restored operational by a team of Taiwanese and PBR specialists to be like 2 of its fellow locomotives in Alishan.
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