This is a tool that uses Webflow, Wized, and Xano in combination to prove out an MVP (minimum viable product) for a web application that I plan to use at work.
The goal was to demonstrate how the future web application would generate data and save that data for user interpretation and feedback.
The ‘tech stack’ is fairly simple with Webflow being used for the front-end, Wized to connect to the back end, and Xano executing the backend/database functionality and external API calls.
Youtube: [ Ссылка ]
0:00 Intro
0:22 Figma high-level
1:23 Webflow front-end
1:38 Demo (input and return data)
2:10 Wized setup
2:32 Xano setup (database/backend)
4:21 More Wized (return data)
4:41 Minimum Viable Product of Web App
5:30 Webflow + Wized + Xano
Alternative titles
How to Create a No-Code SaaS using Webflow, Wized, and Xano in 2024
Building a SaaS Business without Coding in 2024: Webflow, Wized, and Xano Tutorial
2024 SaaS Trends: Building Your No-Code SaaS with Webflow, Wized, and Xano
Step-By-Step Guide to Developing a No-Code SaaS with Webflow, Wized, and Xano in 2024
Build A No-Code SaaS in 2024 [Webflow + Wized + Xano]
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