Create contour lines using Google Earth Pro,
Create TIN (type of DEM) using ESRI ArcMap.
Contours are lines that connect locations of equal value in a raster dataset that represents continuous phenomena such as elevation and temperature etc.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
A DEM is a bare-earth raster grid referenced to a vertical datum.
Triangular Irregular Network (TIN) is a type of DEM.
Digital Terrain Model (DTM)
+ A digital terrain model (DTM) can be described as a three – dimensional representation of a terrain surface consisting of X, Y, Z coordinates stored in digital form
+ It includes not only heights and elevations but other geographical elements and natural features such as rivers, ridge lines, etc.
+ A DTM is effectively a DEM that has been augmented by elements such as break lines and observations other than the original data to correct for artifacts produced by using only the original data.
+ With the increasing use of computers in engineering and the development of fast three-dimensional computer graphics the DTM is becoming a powerful tool for a great number of applications in the earth and the engineering sciences.
Digital Surface Model (DSM):
Digital Surface Model (DSM) represents the elevations of the reflective surfaces of trees, buildings, and other features elevated above the “Bare Earth”.
Download link (TCX Converter):
if below link expires, then you can search this tool from Google
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Calculate Z value (altitude/height), from website
We can open this created TIN in ArcScene as well.
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