In this video, Anne Lahumière talks about their participation in the first Art Basel in 1970, and shows us some of the highlights of the gallery's booth at this year's fair, works by Naum Gabo, Paul Bury, Etienne Beothy, Alexander Calder, and Jean Dewasne.
Anne and Jean-Claude Lahumière founded Galerie Lahumière in 1963. The gallery participated in the emergence of the first international art fairs in cities such as Basel, Paris, Cologne, and Chicago.
From 1993 to 2004 Anne Lahumière was president of the French association of art galleries (CPGA). In 1999, she was elected president of the European Federation of Art Gallery Associations for three years, later she was part of the Conseil des Ventes (organization of control for the auctioneers in France) during four years.
Since many years, Galerie Lahumière has strengthened its commitment to geometric and "constructed" abstraction. It represents not only historic artists within this movement — Cahn, Dewasne, Gorin, Herbin, Legros, Magnelli, and Vasarely — but also contemporary and vanguard artists such as Bauduin, Bézie, Bodde, Coignet, Dubreuil, Gasquet, Jacquier-Stajnowicz, Perrot, Pondruel, Popet, Prosi and Stempfel.
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Galerie Lahumière at Art Basel 2013
artarteKunstvisual artscontemporary artBildende Kunstbellas artesArte ContemporáneoСовременное искусство当代艺术çağdaş sanatAnne LahumièregalleryArt BaselArt Gallery (Type Of Museum)interviewNaum GaboPaul BuryEtienne BeothyAlexander CalderJean Dewasnemodern artklassische Modernekinetic artkinetische kunstModerne Kunst