Postpartum Hemorrhage - Postpartum Bleeding
Some amount of bleeding postpartum is expected and is normal, therefore visualization of a small amount of blood and debris within the postpartum uterus is a normal finding, and the amount of fluid/debris should decrease over time.
When patients have an abnormal amount of bleeding, pain, and/or fever, then sonographic valuation is typically utilized to assess for etiologies such as retained products of conception (RPOC).
You can find these items in this video:
Definition & Classification
Etiology(Uterine atony , Retained placenta ,Lower genital tract lacerations
Uterine inversion , Uterine rupture, Coagulopathy)
Teaching points
This series of videos is about Postpartum Ultrasound Findings.This is the second video in this video series with title of Postpartum Hemorrhage.
Links :
Fetus Ultrasound, Fetal Macrosomia- Part1
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Fetus Ultrasound, Placenta Accreta Part1
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Fetus Ultrasound, Placenta Accreta Part2
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Fetus Ultrasound, Placenta Accreta Part3
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Fetus Ultrasound, Placenta Accreta Part4
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Fetus Ultrasound, Placenta Previa
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Fetus Ultrasound , Placental Abruption
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sonography-radiology training
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Postpartum Hemorrhage - Postpartum Bleeding
postpartum hemorrhagepostpartum bleedingprimary postpartum haemorrhagesecondary postpartum hemorrhageuterine atonypostpartum hemorrage imagingretained placentalower genital tract lacerationsuterine inversionuterine invertion ultrasounduterine ruptureuterine rupture ultrasoundpostpartum coagulopathyplacenta previaplacenta accreta ultrasound diagnosisuterine invertion MRIuterine invertion classification