Many Christian pastors throw in Old Testament law when asking their congregations for money. We need preachers with faith that God will provide for them, who accurately preach the New Testament way of giving. We help our families first by working, then others in need, and then the preacher. Never do we give by necessity or by compulsion, but out of what we purpose in our hearts to give - NOT based on a curse from Malachi, or based on a false tithe doctrine Pastors will claim is "obedience to the Bible". The first portion of this message was lost, when my computer suddenly lost power. I will plan to get that portion out sometime this week, likely on 2/8/21. Thank you for reading this far and for hearing the Word of God and studying it yourselves. Show yourself approved before God and an honorable person, being sure that what preaching you hear is accurate according to the Bible!
Part II: Tithe 10%? False Doctrine!
tithelawChristian givinggiving at churchofferingofferingschurchpastorpastorsfalse doctrinedoctrineBibleshould Christians titheis tithing only for the old testamentis tithing requiredpressed downshaken togetherrunning overfirstfruitsfirst day of the weekif a man provide notowe no man anythingbless those who curse you