From the inspiration behind Moby Dick to the legendary leviathan, a prehistoric whale with a deadly past! Here are ten of the strangest and most miraculous whales you’ve probably never heard of!
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10: Moby Dick’s Inspiration
The most famous whale of all time is definitely Moby Dick. But did you know that the infamous whale written about in Herman Melville’s novel is based on a real creature?
9: Pilot Whales
When people think of whales, they often think of blue whales, humpback whales, and maybe even killer whales. And of course, like we've already discussed, people immediately think about Moby Dick!
8: The Loneliest Whale in the World
Back in the early 90s, a mysterious whale was being tracked throughout the Pacific Ocean. Scientists believed it was the loneliest whale in the world.
7: Bowhead Whales
Bowhead whales are another fascinating species of whale that not many people are aware of. This fantastic creature has a skull that takes up at least one third of its body.
6: The Omura’s Whale
The Omura’s whale is the most recently discovered large whale species on earth, and human beings are only now starting to understand their global range and impact on the planet.
5: The Vaquita
It's time to meet the most adorable whale on earth. It’s one of the rarest marine mammals on the planet and is also the most endangered cetacean on the planet.
4: Risso’s Dolphin
The Risso’s dolphin is another beautiful creature that not many people have ever heard of. They are extremely social and arguably the most beat-up looking dolphins in the world.
3: Migaloo the Whale
When we think about albino animals, what’s the first white animal that pops in your head? Did you know that there is a famous albino whale swimming around our oceans?
2: Commerson’s Dolphin
Out of all the dolphins we've talked about today, the Commerson’s dolphin is definitely one of the coolest. They are a playful species that enjoy riding the waves and swimming upside down.
1: The Leviathan
The final whale on our list today is also the most intense! I’m talking about the great leviathan, properly known as the Leviathan melvillei, which has been confirmed as the largest sperm whale ever to roam the earth.
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10 Incredible Whales & Dolphins You Won't Believe Exist
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