Brand messages are rarely glanced at for more than a few seconds in the busy world of mobile media and marketing. Agencies and advertisers are desperately trying to figure out how to engage with their audience in a memorable way that increases sales and ROI.
ConsumerBreak® adds value in the following ways:
- Educates consumers in an interactive, immersive way
- Promotes a competitive rewarding experience that is fun and generates social buzz
- Guarantees that audience spends considerable time interacting with brand content
- Incentivizes prolonged study and memorization of marketing images
- Motivates purchases and improves customer loyalty
- Engages consumers aged 18-40 (U.S. only at this time)
Players study and attempt to memorize the images in order to solve the puzzles faster and increase their chance of winning prizes by ranking higher on a leaderboard (divided into five skill-based tiers!). From announcing deals and promotions to showcasing products to branding a campaign or slogan, paired with custom audio that is heard during gameplay, the marketing messages stay in consumers’ minds long after the contest is finished. This motivates purchases, influences calls-to-action, builds brand loyalty, and educates audiences in a fun way.
Unlike other digital marketing, every person that enters each contest is guaranteed to spend considerable time interacting with the brand content in order to progress through the game and on the "Competition Level" actually memorizing every part of the marketing image after repeat plays.
Users may choose to replay this puzzle up to 10 attempts per contest (27s-90s per solve), and spend 8-15 minutes engaging with just this one image when using all of their attempts.
Add a new level of gamification by featuring in one of our monthly scavenger hunt games! Your brand/page would be showcased as 1 of 15 puzzles in a game for an entire month, and would be converted into a clue-laden riddle-based puzzle quest that users spend hours throughout the month solving!
After any contest is finished, we will provide a statistics report that includes the number of plays, clicks, average time spent solving the puzzles, and a leaderboard of entered participants.
We will happily create an engaging and immersive game from your provided content. Just give us a shout to get started!
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ConsumerBreak® - Fun, Rewards-Based Gamification
gamificationmarketingdigital marketingmobile advertisingmarketing strategybrandsbrand strategyfun marketingad agenciescontent engagementbrand contestsmobile gamingsalesroibrandingbrand engagementbrand exposureconsumerbreakconsumer breakbrand gamingbar salesbar advertisingrestaurant advertisingrestaurant marketingbar marketingpub gamesbrewery marketingvenue marketingrestaurant gamingbar gamingadvertisinggaming