The longest week of my life.
I wanna thank everyone who watched the streams and supported me through the entire ordeal. I wanted to make this video as light hearted as possible so i didn't delve too deep into how much mental and physical stress i went through. The levels are listed below.
1. Hal - 54925887
2. Abuo - 54925890
3. E Toru - 54925893
4. Quatre - 54925898
5. Cuig - 54925908
6. Sesi - 54926020
7. Seba - 54926023
8. Nyolc - 54926027
9. Devet - 54926031
10. Kymmenen - 54926034
Send a level for me to play in my Level Requests series!: [ Ссылка ]
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Find me on Twitch!: [ Ссылка ]
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My Twitter: @RealDanZmeN
I made 10 levels in only a week.
ComedyGamingEntertainmentDanZmeNModExtremeDemonEpicLegendaryLayoutRageCompilationGD10 levels 1 week10 levels 7 daysweeklong challenge1 week 10 levelsdanzmen 1 week 10 levelsdanzmen 7 days 10 levels10 levels in 7 days7 day challengedanzmen challengechallenge10 levelsworld recordgeometry dash world recordworld recordsrecordHalAbuoE Torutoruquatrecuigsesisebanyolcdevetkymmenen