Donald Duck Goin' Quackers is a 3D platformer developed by Ubisoft and published by Disney Interactive, originally released in October 2000. Players take on the role of Donald, as he sets out on a mission to rescue his girlfriend Daisy, who was kidnapped by the evil magician Merlock, with the help of his friends Gladstone Gander and Gyro Gearloose. Donald must travel around the world to set up antennas that will power Gyro's teleporter and lead him to the temple where Daisy is imprisoned. Along the way, he faces challenges and obstacles, and battles Gladstone for the honor of rescuing Daisy.
===== Mods Used =====
• dgVoodoo2: [ Ссылка ]
• Widescreen and FPS Fix: [ Ссылка ]
===== Game Info =====
• Developers: Ubi Soft Casablanca (N64, PC & DC), Ubi Soft Shanghai (PS1 & GBA), Ubi Soft Montreal (PS2 & GC), Ubi Soft Milan (GBC)
• Publishers: Ubi Soft Entertainment, Disney Interactive
• Initial release date: October 19, 2000
• Platforms: Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 1, Nintendo 64, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, GameCube
• Genre: Platform
• Engine: OpenSpace (DirectX 6)
===== Walkthrough Info =====
• Platform: Microsoft Windows
• Recording: Bandicam
• Editing: VEGAS Pro 19
===== Additional Info =====
• Plot: [ Ссылка ]
• Essential improvements: [ Ссылка ]
• More walkthroughs: [ Ссылка ]
===== Timestamps =====
0:00:00 - Logo Intros
0:00:23 - Main Menu
0:00:58 - Intro Movie
0:04:11 - World 1: Duckie Mountain
0:05:07 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Forest Edge (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:12:06 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Dangerous Cliff (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:15:54 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - The Track (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:19:33 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - The Gorge (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:22:52 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Bonus: Bear's Path
0:26:45 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Forest Edge (Gladstone's Time Attack)
0:29:03 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Dangerous Cliff (Gladstone's Time Attack)
0:31:52 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - The Track (Gladstone's Time Attack)
0:34:54 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - The Gorge (Gladstone's Time Attack)
0:37:39 - World 1: Duckie Mountain - Boss Battle: Bernadette The Bird
0:40:30 - World 2: Duckburg
0:41:03 - World 2: Duckburg - First Avenue (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:44:27 - World 2: Duckburg - Urban High-Rises (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:47:16 - World 2: Duckburg - Roof Tops (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:50:17 - World 2: Duckburg - The Roofs (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
0:53:58 - World 2: Duckburg - Bonus: Main Street
0:57:07 - World 2: Duckburg - First Avenue (Gladstone's Time Attack)
0:59:37 - World 2: Duckburg - Urban High-Rises (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:02:23 - World 2: Duckburg - Roof Tops (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:04:52 - World 2: Duckburg - The Roofs (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:08:28 - World 2: Duckburg - Boss Battle: Beagle Boys
1:10:57 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor
1:11:27 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Haunted Hall (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:14:35 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Ghostly Path (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:18:34 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Creepy Corridor (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:23:02 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Earie Alley (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:26:27 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Bonus: Under 'Hand'Ed
1:29:41 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Haunted Hall (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:32:23 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Ghostly Path (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:35:53 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Creepy Corridor (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:39:06 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Earie Alley (Gladstone's Time Attack)
1:42:13 - World 3: Magica De Spells' Manor - Boss Battle: Magica De Spells
1:46:52 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple
1:47:24 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Temple's Entrance (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:51:07 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Ancient Fate (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:55:16 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Murky Way (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
1:58:06 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Artifact Way (Nephew's Toy Hunting)
2:01:54 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Bonus: Head Alley
2:05:19 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Temple's Entrance (Gladstone's Time Attack)
2:08:27 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Ancient Fate (Gladstone's Time Attack)
2:11:59 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Artifact Way (Gladstone's Time Attack)
2:14:25 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Murky Way (Gladstone's Time Attack)
2:18:04 - World 4: Merlock's Secret Temple - Boss Battle: Merlock
2:21:39 - Ending Movie
2:24:01 - Credits
#donaldduck #ubisoftgames #alphayellow #disney #fullgameplay #platform #walkthrough #platformgame #longplay #disneyinteractive
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