7. Can global Capitalism survive in its current form?
0:00 - Intro
0:13 - Start interviews
🔺Yanis Varoufakis (Greek. Economist, politician, leader of MeRA25 and DiEM25, former Greece’s Finance Minister, author and professor)
🔺Anat Ruth Admati (Israeli. George G.C. Parker Professor of Finance and Economics at Stanford Graduate School of Business)
🔺Leora Schertzer (Canadian. Student of Environmental Economics and Communications, McGill University. Co-President, Expanding Economics)
🔺Harris Eyre (Australian. Neuroscientist, entrepreneur and author)
🔺Ludger Schuknecht (German. Economist, former Chief Economist at the German Ministry of Finance, former Deputy Secretary-General of the OECD)
🔺Rana Foroohar (American. Business columnist, associate editor at the Financial Times, and also CNN’s global economic analyst)
🔺Shanaya D'sa (Indian. Student of Economics and Cultural Studies, McGill University)
🔺Ricardo Hausmann (Venezuelan. Professor at Harvard's Kennedy School, Director of the Growth Lab)
🔺Albena Azmanova (Bulgarian. Scholar, author, sociologist, Associate Professor at the University of Kent’s Brussels School of International Studies)
🔺Laura Pautassi (Argentinian. Lawyer, Professor at Universidad de Buenos Aires, Researcher, Activist)
Age of Economics: in the first part of this project a diverse group of global thinkers answers 8 fundamental questions about economics and capitalist civilization.
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Video by Fabio Dondero
Music: J.S. Bach, from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Kimiko Ishizaka, piano
Does capitalism survive? - Fourth short
capitalismglobaltechno-feudalismpost-capitalist2008New York Stock ExchangeBlackRockState StreetVanguardrulesgamestructuresclimate changeUnited Statessocietyneoliberal eragoodsmultinational companyworkersproductivityinequalityequalitysovereign policiesbattlefielddemocratic capitalismWestChinapandemicAutocratic capitalismglobalizationSouthhegemoniesaccumulationagreementssocial outbursts