Living single is an American sitcom show that aired for five consecutive seasons on fox network from August 1993 to January 1998. The television sitcom, living single had a total of 118 amazing episodes. The show focused on three friends who lived together and shared their personal and professional experiences with one another about life in Brooklyn Brownstone. The sitcom was created by Yvette Lee and the opening theme song was written by the one of the main cast members, Queen Latifah. When it began airing, the show was rated fourth most watched shows on fox network. Throughout its run, living single became one of the most popular African American sitcom show of its era and was ranked top five of all its five seasons. The television sitcom, living single had many cast members and, in this video, will feature some of the cast members who died in real life such as Steven Gilborn, Rita Owens, Heavy D, Thomas Mikal Ford, Ron O’ Neal, and Eartha Kitt.
#LivingSingle #QueenLatifah #LivingSingleCast
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