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AD Thresh Item Cheatsheet:
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AD Thresh MOBAFire Guide (Needs Updating, but has some early S11 Item Thoughts)
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I've been playing AD Thresh since his release, initially playing him more like a Tank Jungler just because, and transitioning to on-hit Thresh Top just because, and then becoming a die-hard AD Thresh Top player since around Season 5. I won't claim to be the best, ever, but I'm not sure if anyone's actually played AD Thresh for as long as I have. Probably 90%+ of my games in my lifetime have been Normals, but I have a pretty nince Normal Winrate across 5+ years of AD Thresh, must count for something right?
Basically, you need not follow, but you must witness.
Hey, you read the description! Big PP energy to you!
0:00 Intro
0:16 Runes
0:53 Previous Experience and Thresh
1:29 Build - Mythics
2:05 Laning Tips
3:23 Laning Against Ranged
3:58 Tough Matchups
4:20 Build - First Back
4:43 Galeforce Tips 1
5:10 Thresh Damage Combo
5:42 Galeforce Tips 2
6:08 Sunfire Tips 1
7:00 On-Hit Thresh
7:07 Lategame and Conclusion
7:20 Outro
7:39 Item Cheat Sheet
Grasp of the Undying
Bone Plating vs Burst, Second Wind vs Poke
Revitalise, or Overgrowth for passive lanes.
Taste of Blood
Ravenous Hunter (Must have)
Undertale (Toby Fox) - Another Medium, Snowy
Likes, comments, and subscriptions are always appreciated, far more than this repetitive sentence can show.
Outro Music:
Zelda and Chill - Dark World
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Thanks for stopping by!
*From here on is a transcript, people do this all the time on YouTube and I'm not sure why but it probably helps the algorithm with key words and stuff. Ayy:
The Runes I’d recommend are these here, the Keystone being Grasp of the Undying. It gives a lot of sustain and poke when playing in Top Lane, which helps immensely in both playing to Thresh’s strengths as a ranged champion in top lane, while reducing one of his flaws, his complete lack of sustain and bad HP regen.
If you’re looking for a more one-shot bursty or otherwise meme build, feel free to go for something like Dark Harvest, Press the Attack, whatever you want, it’s your life.
For the build you go for either Galeforce or Sunfire as your Mythic, just remember, picking Galeforce means you can still go Bruiser by buying Dead Man’s Plate afterwards, and getting decent DPS with a Rageknife and Rageblade later.
With Sunfire, you’ll aim for Titanic Hydra 2nd item, sometimes even buying the Pickaxe after your first recall to poke your enemy harder to press your advantage.
Galeforce does both more damage against Low HP targets than Duskblade can enable and grants tons of utility and potential to catch opponents out of position with it’s dash that doesn’t have any cast time, making it remarkably faster than Stridebreaker.
Whichever one you choose, the early laning phase is the same. Focus on CS, and poke with Grasp or when you have a decently charged auto attack (keep an eye on your E passive if you need to, it can charge for up to a maximum of 10 seconds but be unleashed at any time).
Many things will be matchup dependent, but as a general rule of thumb, dangerous melee enemies with gapclosers mean you don’t want to just throw out your abilities whenever they’re up. Keep Flay to peel yourself off and slow the opponent, maybe even negating their dash as a whole, this is great against enemies like Ornn whose dashes you can interrupt and destroy their combos. And a quickly-double-casted Q midfight stuns the enemy for longer than it locks you out of auto-attacks, giving you the edge in fights and trades.
Generally, trade around Grasp more than your E passive in the early game since your AD is low, that means your E isn’t amazing either, but it isn’t “not there”, still use it when you can.
(Description is too long big sad)
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Season 11 Quick Guide - AD Thresh Top
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