Common cause of everyday headaches are migraine and tension headaches, which are the primary headaches. This the primary headaches are the headaches without any identifiable cause or any problem in the brain like any infection or tumor. Other cause of daily headache which are rarely found in clinical practice are swelling or any other problems with the blood vessels in and around the brain, including stroke, infection of the brain and its covering which will cause increasing intensity of headache along with fever, and vomiting, increased pressure inside the brain, that is increased ICT, any tumor in the brain, any head injury. Another important cause of headache in the medication overuse headache. If you have an episodic headache like migraine or tension type headache, and you take too much of pain killers that is more than 2 times in a week, then you are at a risk of getting medication overuse headache. Other common cause of daily headaches which are commonly seen in clinical practice are anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, obesity, smoking and overuse of caffeine and painkillers. So there are various lifestyle that will increase your headaches and increase your tension headaches. So these are not eating on time or skipping your meals, or if you are hungry, because you want to get, you eat only less and then you get these headaches. Suppose you are sleeping too late and getting up too early. You are not completing your rest, that can also cause headaches. Suppose you have too much of stress, and you are not at peace, then that will also trigger your headache. So these are some of the causes of daily headaches.
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