Exposing the false doctrine of cult leader Steven Anderson. Anderson operates under the guise of Independent Fundamental Baptist coining the term The New IFB, but even on the surface it's evident that his teachings have nothing in common with Baptists of any stripe.
In this video you'll learn about the false teaching put forth by Anderson (among others) that the church will go through the tribulation. Anderson also falsely teaches that the rapture and second coming are one in the same. Will the rapture of the church occur before or during the tribulation? Does certain Scriptures apply only to Israel? Is the rapture of the church a different event than the second coming of Christ? Hear what the Bible has to say about it.
Romans 16:17 - Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.
About the filmmaker: "My name is Brian Snider and I have been a student of the Bible for more than 25 years. I was raised in a Christian home but when I was a teenager I chose to pursue my own way rather than submit to the Lord. I got saved in 1992 when a divorce brought me to my knees. I am a member of an independent Baptist church and teach Sunday School and the occasional Bible College class at our church. I recently watched Steven Anderson's video called "Marching to Zion" and was shocked by the false doctrine and foolish reasoning he put forward. I couldn't help but record a few of my thoughts. Honestly, my video could have been an hour long answering all the misinformation and wrong-thinking contained in Anderson's video. I am interested in doing a much larger video expose' on him because I believe he is doing great damage to the cause of Christ. If you have information or a testimony you would like to share, please contact me at bksnider@gmail.com"
Originally uploaded to Vimeo by FundamentalFilms.org
*No affiliation with Baptist Archives
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