Train No : 22102 Rajya Rani Express from Manmad to MumbaiCST
Loco seen in this video is #KYN #WCAM3.
22102 departs from Manmad at 05:25hrs and Reaches MumbaiCST at 10:07hrs.
22102 is a Daily Srvice train between Manmad and MumbaiCST.
It covers a distance of 257km at a Avg. speed of 55km/hr by a travel time of 4hrs 42mins with 6 halts.
It has a Rake sharing with 12117/12118
Rake type : ICF Rake
Rake maintained by Central Railways (CR)
Type : SuperFast (SF) Express
Loco used to haul this train is #KYN #WCAM3 #WCAM2
Train No : 12262 Howrah-MumbaiCST AC Duronto Express.
Loco seen in this video is #HWH #WAP4.
12262 Departs from Howrah at 08:20 Hrs and Reaches MumbaiCST at 10:30Hrs on the very next day.
12262 Departs from Howrah on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
It covers a Distance of 1965 km at a Avg. Speed of 75 km/hr by a travel time of 26Hrs 10Mins with 5 Halts.
It has a Rake Sharing with 12222/12221
Rake type : LHB rake
Rake Maintained by South Eastern Railways (SER).
Type : Duronto Express
Loco used to haul this train is #HWH #WAP4.
Location : Dadar Central (CR), Mumbai, Maharashtra.
Time : 09:40am-10:20am.
Date : 01/06/2017.
Day : Thursday
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