How to pray Salah according to Quran কোরআন অনুযাই নামাজ কিভাবে পড়তে হবে
Salât is a ritual instituted by Allah that allows us to establish contact or communicate with Him. The Arabic root word for “Salât” is “Salu” (صلو) which means “to pray”, “to establish contact”. Some translate “Salât” as “contact prayer” which is correct but awkward in English; The word will be translated as “ritual prayer” in this study, as salât is not an simple invocation or prayer (دعاء = Du’a) with freely chosen words like when believers from all religions, including Muslims, pray on a regular basis to ask Allah for specific requests. Salât is not about asking personal, specific rewards; it is about praising and worshiping Allah exclusively, reciting the Quran, the Word of Allah, and conforming to the ritual that is described in it. Allah Himself chose, with all His wisdom, the words we need to recite: We worship Him, we praise Him, and we implore Him for help and guidance. It is our choice to submit to Him or not, and recite the words He revealed for us to establish an exclusive relationship with Him.
The Quran functions in a very simple way regarding the ritual prayer: Allah is Omnipotent, He controls everything, and He made sure that despite important corruptions that affected the ritual prayer throughout history, its basic structure would be preserved in the Muslim world and reflects what we witness in the Holy Quran, as it will be proven in this study.
সহীহ তরিকায় নামাজ কিভাবে পড়তে হয় তা শিখে নেওযা জরুরী| নামাজ অত্যন্ত গুরত্বপূর্ণ ইবাদাত। তাই নামাজ সম্পর্কে রাসুল সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম এরশাদ করেন, 'তোমরা সেভাবে নামায আদায় কর, যে ভাবে আমাকে নামায আদায় করতে দেখ।'
ডক্টর এ,কিউ,এম,মাহবুবুল্লাহ যশোরী
চেয়ারম্যান : বাংলাদেশী সেবা পার্টি
Please watch: "ফজরের নামাজ কিভাবে পড়বেন | How to pray Fajar Salah"
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