How to identify an ideal smear of sputum for culture?
Solution: Ideal Smear of Sputum,
Pus cells greater than 25/LPF,
Epithelial cells less than 10/LPF,
An ideal smear of sputum microscopy,
Pus cells of sputum,
Pus cells of sputum microscopy,
Epithelial cells of sputum examination,
Pus cells and epithelial cells under the microscope,
Bacteria of sputum under the microscope,
Sputum in Gram staining,
Gram staining,
Sputum in Gram stain,
Gram staining,
Sputum culture and sensitivity,
Sputum C/S,
Ideal Smear of Sputum Microscopy at various magnifications
Solution: Ideal Smear of SputumPus cells greater than 25/LPFEpithelial cells less than 10/LPFAn ideal smear of sputum microscopyPus cells of sputumPus cells of sputum microscopyEpithelial cells of sputum examinationPus cells and epithelial cells under the microscopeBacteria of sputum under the microscopeSputum in Gram stainingGram stainingSputum in Gram stainSputum culture and sensitivitySputum C/SUniverse84aMicrohubMedicallabnotesMedlabsolutions