The game follows Peter Parker, a 23-year-old college graduate and research assistant who gained superhuman abilities after being bitten by a radioactive spider. Peter is in his eighth year of crime-fighting under his super heroic alter ego of Spider-Man, who has become highly experienced at this point, but struggles to balance his superhero and personal lives.
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Marvel's Spider-Man is an open-world third-person action-adventure game, in which the player controls Peter Parker, under his superhero identity Spider-Man, through Manhattan, New York City to fight crime. Spider-Man's moveset allows him to swing through New York and climb buildings in fluid urban traversal, defeat enemies in improvisational combat with dynamic acrobatics, fight by interacting with various elements with his webs, and wield a variety of web gadgets to combat different opponents. Using tokens rewarded from objectives, Spider-Man can unlock and craft new gadgets, suits, and Suit Mods. By earning experience points, Spider-Man can level up to unlock new skills on the Skill Tree to enhance his combat and traversal. In certain parts of the game, the player also controls Peter Parker (outside of his Spider-Man suit) in various puzzle sections, as well as Mary Jane Watson and Miles Morales in stealth sections.
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Spider Man PS5,Spider Man,Spiderman Pc,Spiderman Remastered Pc Silver Lining,Walkthrough,Spider Man Pc Gameplay,Spider Man PS4 Silver Lining Gameplay,Spiderman Remastered PC Silver Lining Gameplay,Part 1,commentary,Spider Man Pc Turf Wars Gameplay Part 1,Spider Man Pc Full Game,Full Game,Black Cat,Gameplay,Campaign,Singleplayer,Ruyek,Hindi Gaming,IndianGaming,DLC,HammerHead,Silver Lining,Old Friends,Rio Bravo,Together But Alone,Humanitarian Aid,Trust Issues
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