در این ویدئو نحو اپلای برای کمک مالی سایت کورسرا coursera توضیح داده شده که بسیار مناسب برای اپلای تحصیلی و شغلی هست.
متن را از کانال تلگرام هم میتونید کپی کنید:
متن اول:
1-I’m 25 years old student in mechanical engineering from Iran and I love learning new things and using them in the real world especially the subjects related to AI which they seem to be able to change the world. But unfortunately, as you know, USA sanctions against Iran have caused the value of our currency to fall by 300% only during last year, and the 41 euros monthly to the Iranian people is are latively high cost, actually it’s almost equal to my monthly income. Also, we do not have access to international payment systems such as PayPal, MasterCard, and Visa Card, this is actually the main problem since I believe that the value of this course (اسم درس)is far more than the amount required for them. Honestly, if I could afford it and there was a way to pay this amount, I would definitely pay and start the course as soon as possible. So I hope Coursera approve my request for financial aid.
متن دوم:
First of all, I’m in the middle of the wonderful journey of learning AI and using it to solve problems in industries. Most of my knowledge in the AI field was obtained from free online sources and personally,I’ve found them really applicable and interesting. Within the next two years, I'm seeing myself as an expert engineer who knows AI and uses it to solve engineering challenges in industries by applying AI techniques. I have some ideas in my base field (Mechanical engineering) that needs knowing (اسم درس) to implement them. Also because of my pure engineering background, I need to pass some high-quality courses in computer science and using certificates as proof that I'm an expert in both data science and engineering. Also, I’m planning to apply for P.H.D in Computer science and for gaining my knowledge in this filed I need to learn some high-quality lessons and apply them to some real-world challenges.So based on the above statement I think this course would be necessary for me.
متن سوم:
Actually because of USA sanctions and limitation for international payment from Iran I cannot consider using a low-interest loan to pay for my course.
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