Are you frustrated with high interest rates and finding it challenging to finance that dream home? Discover the three powerful strategies to lower your interest rates. By improving your credit score, shopping around for the best lenders, and making a substantial down payment, you can unlock the door to significant savings and financial success. To learn more about how to get the lowest interest rates, watch this short video.
Learn more: [ Ссылка ]
0:00 - Introduction
0:20 - Improve Credit Score
0:50 - Work With Different Lenders
1:28 - Lower Your Down Payment
1:53 - Wrapping Up
#Realestate #TheJulianneLesniakTeam #eXpRealty #PennsylvaniaRealEstate
Lesniak Group is a team of experienced, licensed real estate agents serving the Adams, Franklin, Cumberland, and York Counties PA metro area. With a proven track record of getting results quickly and a direct line of communication at all times.
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Julianne Lesniak, Team Leader
The Julianne Lesniak Team
eXp Realty, LLC
M: 717-360-5428 | O: (888) 397-7352
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630 Freedom Business Cr Dr Ste 300 King Of Prussia, PA
🏡Want to buy a South Central PA home? [ Ссылка ]
🏡Looking to sell your South Central PA home? [ Ссылка ]
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Agency - Vyral Marketing - [ Ссылка ]
Coach / Director - Adrianna Massey - [ Ссылка ]
Video Editor - Nikki Grim
Marketing Assistant - Brandi Billings - [ Ссылка ]
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