The Voice of BC book club is back with Rob Shaw and Richard Zussman who join us to talk about the book they co-authored ‘A Matter of Confidence: The Inside Story of the Political Battle for BC’ They will answer questions about the election, how they got the idea to write the book and some of the behind the scenes stories they uncovered in their interview process.
Voice of BC - A Matter of Confidence
Shaw TVShaw TV South Vancouver IslandCommunity TelevisionCommunityVictoriaCRDCapital Regional DistrictBCBritish ColumbiaCanadaMatter Of ConfidenceVoice of BCBC PoliticsBook ClubVaughn PalmerRichard ZussmanRob ShawKristina VerruytJason HouseBC LiberalsBC NDPBC GreensChristy ClarkGordon CampbellJane SterkJohn HorganAndrew Weaver