The life story of Ameer "The Prison Coach" Baraka, the New Orleans born actor who was profiled by Oprah Winfrey, who was the love interest of “Black Panther” co-star, Angela Basset, in “American Horror: Coven,” and who will co-star in the upcoming police drama TV series set in New York City, "Bronx SIU," is the impetus for our founding of the Dyslexia Awareness Foundation (, our anti-crime, anti-recidivism initiative that screens for, diagnoses, treats, and educates the world public about the insidious, oft undiagnosed learning disability, dyslexia.
We seek your support of our two national literacy and personal empowerment initiatives: "Cop Camps" ( - our year round police-involved after school and summer camp program which is run by the noted Harvard trained criminologist and current Tulane University Professor, Dr. Peter Scharf, Ph.D., and our Prison Coaching program through which we teach illiterate inmates to read and coach them on staying out once they get out. You all can bill me later for the box of Kleenex you will need after watching this short Prison Coach video.
Click HERE to donate to our Foundation. [ Ссылка ]
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