I forgot last step if none of that works-- check exhaust by pulling exhaust off and making sure spark arrester isn't clogged. This has been culprit on a bunch of saws. That mostly would happen after heavy use for a long time then a no start / bogging condition. Don't forget what goes in must come out-- check to make sure exhaust can leave as well. Thanks!
Quick video about how to diagnose no start on a stihl chainsaw. Same ideas apply to all engines and all two strokes specifically. Saw is an MS170 that someone gave to me because it wouldn't start. Took me an hour to figure out that it was a clogged fuel line between the tank and the carb.
Along with putting fresh gas, spark plug, air filter, and checking make sure you have compression. For love of god, please make sure your brand new fuel is actually able to reach the carb in the first place. Blow these lines out, fix them, suck on them, whatever you need to do to make sure they are free of debris.
Enjoy your new saw.
Video title: Diagnosing Chainsaw No Start (Stihl Ms170) / Runs Poorly
Copyrighted content: Showdown
Claimed by: [Merlin] Danmark Music Group
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