Discover the harrowing saga of the Danube Swabians, a community devastated by genocide and forced migration. After World War Two, Yugoslavia, once vibrant, faced economic ruin, receiving foreign aid to survive. Willy Brandt and Tito, driven by their own agendas, ignored the Danube Swabians' immense property losses.
Ironically, Yugoslavs, including some involved in atrocities, migrated to Germany for work. They openly boast about their actions, protected by unacknowledged war crimes. Yugoslav radio and schools once propagated songs of triumph over Germans, emblematic of a dark past.
With glasnost, Croatia and Slovenia voted to secede from Serbian-controlled Yugoslavia. As Yugoslavia's federation crumbled, it faced its horrific history. Acknowledging its crimes, erecting monuments on mass graves, and permitting visits to burial sites should be the honorable path.
Post-World War One, the Treaty of Trianon handed Romania Hungarian territories, impacting the Danube Swabian-majority Temeschburg (Timișoara). Pre-war prosperity decayed under Communism, farms seized, and villages erased. The once-thriving Banat became a shadow.
Under dictator Ceausescu, despair took hold as labor was robbed and hope extinguished. Chochescu's scheme turned Danube Swabians into commodities for export to Germany, a move questioned morally.
The end of slave trading came with Chochescu's downfall. Only about 30,000 Danube Swabians remain in Romania, their heritage fading. Yugoslavia's extermination of this minority led to economic decline and disintegration. Today, Hungary offers hope for their resurgence in their ancestral homeland.
Franz von Kernei – Danube Swabian – Donauschwaben
Writings by Frank Schmidt on the History of the Danube Swabian People
An introduction to the Donauschwaben – Part 1: [ Ссылка ]
Danube Swabian settlements – Part 2: [ Ссылка ]
Contributions to the region – Part 3: [ Ссылка ]
Partition of Danube Swabian land – Part 4: [ Ссылка ]
Expulsion from the homeland – Part 5: [ Ссылка ]
Ethnic cleansing of Danube Swabians – Part 6: [ Ссылка ]
Genocide of Ethnic German Minorities – Part 7: [ Ссылка ]
Emigration to the New World – Part 8: [ Ссылка ]
An introduction to the Donauschwaben – Playlist:
[ Ссылка ]
“Nur der ist seiner Ahnen wert, der ihre Sitten treu verehrt.”
“Only those who honor the traditions of their ancestors are worthy to be their descendants.”
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