bahan :
bubur : (porridge)
500 gr beras (1 lb of rice)
2500 CC air (10 cups of water)
1 SDM garam (1 tbsp of salt)
3 lbr daun salam (3 Indonesian bayleaves)
3 lbr daun pandan (3 pandan leaves)
sambel tumpang: (leftover tempeh soup)
250 gr tempe hari ke 3 (1/2 lb of tempeh, left 3 days in room temperature)
50 gr cabai (2 oz of chili)
5 Btr Kemiri (5 candlenuts)
5 siung bawang putih (5 cloves of garlic)
1/2 bh bawang bombai (1/2 bulb of onion)
5 ibu jari lengkuas (3-4 oz of galangal)
3 lbr daun salam (3 Indonesian bayleaves)
7 lbr daun jeruk (7 keffir lime leaves)
1 ruas jari kencur (1/2 oz of aromatic ginger)
1000 CC air (4 cups of water)
65 CC santan kental (1/2 cup of coconut milk)
1 SDM kaldu bubuk (1 tbsp of stock powder)
1 ibu jari gula merah (1/2 oz of palm sugar)
2 SDM udang rebon (2 tbsp of dried Acetes shrimp)
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1. Pempek Udang Rebon: [ Ссылка ]
2. Somay Tanpa Ikan [ Ссылка ]
3. Sambel Bu Rudy: [ Ссылка ]
4. Bacem Tempe Tahu [ Ссылка ]
5. Daun Pepaya Tidak Pahit: [ Ссылка ]
6. Acar Kuning [ Ссылка ]
7. Sambel Goreng Tahan Lama [ Ссылка ]
8. Ayam Panggang Kecap [ Ссылка ]
9. Sate Ayam Bumbu Kacang [ Ссылка ]
10. Martabak Telor Indomie [ Ссылка ]
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Email bisnis 👇 mbokmidut1jt@gmail.com
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