Dr. Peter Coleman, who is Board-certified in Addiction Medicine and in long-term recovery himself, shares some fantastic news from a published medical study about the use of naltrexone to treat people with Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Well over a thousand patients have completed our unique outpatient alcohol detox program over the past decade. Many Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tufts, and Humana commercial insurance programs cover our innovative outpatient treatments for alcohol and opioid use.
-Safe, Comfortable Outpatient Detox
The Coleman Institute for Addiction Medicine has been a leading outpatient addiction treatment center since 1998. Our innovative withdrawal management programs, often referred to as The Coleman Method, have helped thousands of people free themselves from addiction to Alcohol, Opioids, and Benzodiazepines. Originally founded in Richmond, Virginia, our network has expanded to cover 14 cities across the US.
-3 - 8 Day Opioid Detoxification Process
For short-acting opioids like oxycodone, most patients complete their detox and begin Naltrexone therapy within 5 days. Longer-acting opiates like Suboxone and Methadone typically take 8 days. Our standard opioid treatment package in Richmond, VA, Wellesley, MA (Boston area) and Willoughby, OH (Cleveland area) includes the detox and 6 months of case management and Naltrexone therapy. As a non-addictive opioid blocker, Naltrexone dramatically reduces cravings so that patients can focus on their recovery. We have a 98% success rate for completing detoxification and starting Naltrexone therapy. During the detox, we work with patients and their families to develop an appropriate aftercare plan. We also offer a convenient, 3-day outpatient alcohol detox and a Rapid Benzodiazepine Detox.
-Caring, Empathetic Environment
Dr. Peter Coleman understands first-hand the challenges our patients are facing due to his own personal struggle with the disease of addiction. He has been in long term recovery since 1984. Dr. Coleman has dedicated his career to treating addiction patients and creating a team and an environment conducive to long term recovery for his patients.
-For more information, please call us at 888-788-5474 or visit us at www.thecolemaninstitute.com
Naltrexone helps alcoholic liver disease
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