The Epic Taiko Ensemble is the most comprehensive and deep-sampled collection of large-scale, Epic Taikos on the market. The Epic Taiko Ensemble features the highly renowned Taiko Ensemble group Emeryville Taiko, lead by master Susan Horn. The recordings lasted over a week, which allowed us to capture an unprecedented amount of content.
Epic Taiko Ensemble has two microphone positions for all Parts and also includes a Massive Taiko Ensemble Part. This library includes not only the Taiko Ensemble but other sounds associated with Taiko (ensemble screams, yells, yell-hits, percussive cannon “Tekkan,” and more.)
We sampled all the classic Taiko drums, including the booming O-daiko, Nagado Daiko, and the smaller and more snare like Shime-daiko. We also played the drums with hands and alternative stick types, capturing the most comprehensive collection of clacks made with different type of sticks and by hitting the rims of the larger Taiko drums.
Epic Taiko Ensemble is $40
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Ps. The MIDI file of the demo can be found on our Discord:
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Look under Share and then official midifiles for soundpaint demos
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0:00 Intro – What is Soundpaint?
1:08 Demo – Introducing Our Epic Taiko Ensemble
3:14 Demo Overview
3:43 About the Taikos – “A de facto, Gold Standard library in the industry”
5:32 Demo Walkthrough – opening
6:32 Taiko Adventure – Making a groove in Soundpaint’s arpeggiator
7:24 Shouts and other sounds
8:45 Shime Daiko (Small Taiko)
9:48 Demo Walkthrough – middle
11:44 Odaiko (Large Taiko) and Taiko Ensembles
12:49 Program: Main Mega Ensemble – Exploring the Dynamic Range
14:16 A Train with Taikos – Using Soundpaint’s Chorus Effect
17:12 Accentuating the sound – Using Soundpaint’s Gate
17:47 Demo Walkthrough – ending
17:56 Program: Taiko Metal Factory – Using Soundpaint’s Digital Reverb
19:55 Outro – “Used in thousands of movies, trailers, TV shows, and video games”
20:36 Bonus: Combining Every Taiko
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Soundpaint™ is a new analog-style sampling technology.
Soundpaint renders all instruments in real-time in 127 dynamic velocity layers. It shortens the distance from idea to realization. Instantly morph a waterdrop with a violin. Play the most iconic instruments of all time in exquisite realism and fidelity. True analog-modeled effects. Advanced and organic arpeggiator. A deep matrix for those who desire.
Welcome to the dawn of Real-Time Sampling™
Soundpaint is available at
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