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Get this video to 100 likes and I'll provide download links to each song (all original and in high quality).
Music (in order of use):
Liquid Cinema Music - Soldier of Fortune
Amphibious Zoo Music - Inhumation
David Travis Edwards - The Age of Man
Attila Áts - Apologize From The Sentinel
Xtortion Audio - Untouchable
ProofSound - Corruptor
Attila Áts - Missing Key
Sonic Symphony - Dark Force Rising
Brand X Music - Extortion
Mark Petrie - Abeyance
[ Ссылка ]
Obey: "Closure" - Soundtrack
Obey AllianceClosureSoundtrackTeamtageObey AgonyAgonyVIICall of DutyCoDCoD4WaWMW2BOMW3BO2GhostsAsianSpecialistObey ClanM40A3M21DragunovR700Barret .50calKar98KMosin-NagantSpringfieldArisakaPTRS-41InterventionWA2000L96A1PSG1L118AAS50RSASSMSRBallistaDSR 50SVU-ASXPR-50L115USRLynxVKSLiquid Cinema MusicAmphibious Zoo MusicDavid Travis EdwardsAttila AtsXtortion AudioProofsoundSonic SymphonyBrand X MusicMark Petrie