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Queen's Gambit Declined Theory
The Albin Countergambit is a chess opening that begins with the moves:
1. d4 d5
2. c4 e5
and the usual continuation is:
3. dxe5 d4
The opening is an uncommon defense to the Queen's Gambit. In exchange for the gambit pawn, Black has a central wedge at d4 and gets some chances for an attack. Often White will try to return the pawn at an opportune moment to gain a positional advantage. In the Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings the Albin Countergambit is assigned codes D08 and D09. Although this opening was originally played by Cavallotti against Salvioli at the Milan tournament of 1881, it takes its name from Adolf Albin, who played it against Emanuel Lasker in New York 1893. Though it is not played frequently at the master level, Russian grandmaster Alexander Morozevich made some successful use of it in the 2000s.[1]
Main line: 3.dxe5 d4 4.Nf3 Nc6
The main line continues 4. Nf3 Nc6 (4...c5 allows 5.e3 because Black no longer has the bishop check) and now White's primary options are 5.a3, 5.Nbd2, and 5.g3. Perhaps White's surest try for an advantage is to fianchetto their king bishop with 5.g3 followed by Bg2 and Nbd2. Black will often castle queenside. A typical continuation is 5.g3 Be6 6.Nbd2 Qd7 7.Bg2 0-0-0 8.0-0 Bh3.
Lasker Trap:
The black pawn at d4 is stronger than it may appear. After 3.dxe5 d4 the careless move 4.e3? can lead to the Lasker Trap. After 4...Bb4+ 5.Bd2 dxe3 6.Bxb4?? is a blunder—Black plays 6...exf2+ 7.Ke2 fxg1=N+! and Black's position is superior. The Lasker Trap is notable because it is rare to see an underpromotion in practical play.
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Nbd2 Nge7 6. Nb3 Nf5 7. e4 dxe3 8. Qxd8+ Nxd8 9. fxe3 Be7 10. Bd2 Nc6 11. Nbd4 Bd7 12. Bd3 Nh4 13. O-O Nxf3+ 14. Nxf3 O-O-O 15. Bc3 Bc5 16. Kf2 Bb4 17. Bd4 Be7 18. Rad1 Be6 19. b3 Rd7 20. Bc3 Rhd8 21. Ke2 Nb4 22. Bb1 Rxd1 23. Rxd1 Rxd1 24. Kxd1 Kd7 25. a4 h5 26. Nd4 a5 27. Be4 c6 28. Kd2 g6 29. Ne2 Bd8 30. Nf4 Bb6 31. Bd4 Bc7 32. h3 Bd8 33. Ke2 Bc7 34. Kf3 Ke7 35. Ke2 Kd7 36. Kd2 Ke7 37. Kd1 Bd8 38. Bb2 Kd7 39. Ke2 Bb6 40. Bc3 Bd8 41. Kf3 Na6 42. Nd3 Bc7 43. Ke2 Bd8 44. Kf3 Bc7 45. Bb2 Bd8 46. Bd4 Bc7 47. Bc3 Bd8 48. Ke2 b6 49. Bd4 Nb4 50. Nf4 Na2 51. Kf3 Nc1 52. Bc2 Na2 53. Bb2 Nb4 54. Bb1 Na6 55. Bd4 h4 56. Be4 Nb4 57. Kf2 Ke7 58. g3 hxg3+ 59. Kxg3 Bc7 60. Kh4 Bd8 61. Kg5 Bc7 62. Kh6 c5 63. Bc3 Kd7 64. Bf3 Na2 65. Bb2 Nb4 66. Bg4 Bxg4 67. hxg4 Ke8 68. Kg7 g5 69. e6 fxe6 70. Nxe6 Bd6 71. Kg6 Bg3 72. Bf6 Nc2 73. Bxg5 Na1 74. Bf4 Bh4 75. Ng7+ Kd7 76. Kf7 Nxb3 77. e4 Bd8 78. e5 Nd4 79. e6+ Kc8 80. Nf5 Ne2 81. Be3 b5 82. cxb5 Nc3
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Nbd2 Nge7 6. Nb3 Nf5 7. e4 dxe3 8. Qxd8+ Nxd8 9. fxe3 Be7 10. Bd3 O-O 11. O-O c6 12. Bd2 Re8 13. Nbd4 Nh4 14. Bc3 Ng6 15. Nf5 Bxf5 16. Bxf5 Bc5 17. Bd4 Bf8 18. Ng5 Re7 19. h4 h6 20. Nxf7 Nxh4 21. Nxd8 Rxd8 22. Bc2 g6 23. g3 Nf5 24. Bxf5 gxf5 25. Rxf5 Re6 26. Rf6 Rde8 27. Raf1 Bg7 28. Rxe6 Rxe6 29. Rf5 a6 30. Kg2 c5 31. Bxc5 Bxe5 32. Bd4 Bd6 33. c5 Bc7 34. b4 Rg6 35. Be5 Bd8 36. a4 Be7 37. Bd4 Bh4 38. Be5 Be7 39. Bf4 b6 40. cxb6 Rxb6 41. b5 axb5 42. axb5 Re6 43. Kf3 Kg7 44. Re5
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Nbd2 Be6 6. a3 Nge7 7. Nb3 Bxc4 8. Nbxd4 Qd5 9. Qc2 Nxd4 10. Nxd4 Qxd4 11. e3 Qxe5 12. Bxc4 Ng6 13. Bd2 Bd6 14. Bc3 Qg5 15. Bxg7 Rg8 16. Qe4+ Ne5 17. Qxb7 Ke7 18. Bxe5 Qxe5 19. g3 Rab8 20. Qf3 Rg7 21. O-O Qxb2 22. Qe4+ Qe5 23. Qxe5+ Bxe5 24. Rad1 Bd6 25. Rd5 Bxa3 26. Ra1 Bd6 27. Rxa7 Rg6 28. Ra2 h6 29. Kg2 Rg5 30. Rd4 Rb4 31. Re4+ Kf6 32. Rc2 Ra5 33. f4 Ra1 34. Re8 Rab1 35. e4 R4b2 36. Rxb2 Rxb2+ 37. Kf3 Bc5 38. Re5 Bd4 39. Rf5+ Kg6 40. Bxf7+ Kg7 41. h4 Rc2 42. Bd5 c6 43. Be6 c5 44. Kg4
1. d4 d5 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 d4 4. Nf3 Nc6 5. a3 Be6 6. Nbd2 Nge7 7. Nb3 Nf5 8. Qd3 a5 9. Bf4 a4 10. Nbd2 Bc5 11. g3 Nfe7 12. Ne4 Bb6 13. Bg2 Ng6 14. O-O Ra5 15. Rac1 Bf5 16. Bd2 Ncxe5 17. Nd6+ Qxd6 18. Qxf5 Nxf3+ 19. Qxf3 Re5 20. Qxb7 O-O 21. Qc6 Rxe2 22. Bb4 Qxc6 23. Bxc6 Ne5 24. Bxf8 Kxf8 25. c5 Ba5 26. Bxa4 Rxb2 27. Rb1 Ra2 28. Ra1 Re2 29. f4 Nc4 30. Bb5 Rc2 31. Rfc1 Rxc1+ 32. Rxc1 Nxa3 33. Bd3 Bc3 34. Kf2 Ke7 35. Bxh7 g6 36. f5 g5 37. f6+ Kxf6 38. Bd3 Ke5 39. Ke2 f5 40. h4 gxh4 41. gxh4 Kf4 42. Rg1
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