The Western Balkans Summit, including its accompanying took place at the MTP Poznań EXPO from 3rd to 5th of July 2019. The top level representatives of the Berlin Process partners met in Poznań Congress Center to talk about the most important issues for the Western Balkans region. MTP Poznań EXPO hosted such personages as: Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of Great Britain Theresa May, Prime Minister of France Édouard Philippe and High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Federica Mogherini.
Western Balkans Summit at MTP Poznań Expo
WBSummitpoznantargipoliticsAngelaMerkelMateuszMorawieckiTheresaMaypremierprezydentAndrzejDudaFedericaMogheriniBalkansBałkanyPolandPolskapartnersSzczyt Bałkanów ZachodnichtargipoznanskiepolitykaGrupaMTPDobrzeZaprojektowaneWydarzeniaPoznańSzymon Szynkowski vel SękSzczyt Bałkanów Zachodnich Poznań 2019Szczyt BałkanówSzczyt LiderówProces BerlińskiForum Think TankówForum Społeczeństwa ObywatelskiegoForum BiznesuTheresa MayAngela Merkel